The Indo-German cooperation transcends India’s and Germany’s borders. To solve global challenges, both countries are not only strengthening their bilateral cooperation but are working together to bring innovative and climate-compatible development solutions to countries around the world.
Triangular cooperation is an integral part of the GSDP. It is a unique and innovative approach to international development that recognises that all partners have lessons to share and learn. It combines the strengths of both the Global South and the Global North and leverages strategic partnerships to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Triangular cooperation encourages South-South cooperation, harmonises resources, opens new avenues for synergies and innovation, and addresses global challenges on equal terms. It also offers a framework for addressing cross-border challenges collaboratively, promoting trustworthy partnerships between emerging economies and developing countries on an equal footing. These triangular partnerships foster innovation, create new opportunities for action, and initiate pragmatic political dialogues.
Triangular Cooperation in Practice
In Cameroon, India and Germany are enhancing potato seed production through Rooted Apical Cuttings technology innovated in India. In Malawi, Agri Business Incubator models to support women in agriculture and food systems have been designed. In Ghana, bamboo-based enterprises to promote sustainable livelihoods and income generation are being developed. And in Peru, Indo-German cooperation is supporting the development of a geospatial portal prototype to help plan, monitor, and evaluate interventions and social programmes.